Listen to Brian Johnson, Bethany Wohrle & Others Cover Phil Wickham's "Living Hope"

Phil Wickham's new single "Living Hope" is fast becoming a worship staple across many churches. The song has been covered by its co-writer Bethel Worship's Brian Johnson, Bethany Wohrle, Shane and Shane, and City Point Church, which you can listen below.
"Last year, Brian Johnson (Bethel Music) and I started writing a song over text. Over the course of a month or so, we threw lyrics and voice memos back and forth. As we continued writing, every new line felt like a victory. The result of all of those text messages was 'Living Hope.' I remember both of us feeling that something special had been given to us. After we finally landed on the third verse - again, all through text message - there was a pause.
I saw those three little dots that come up when you know someone else is writing, and Brian simply said, 'dude, this is amazing.' God has rescued us from a place that we could never have rescued ourselves. Our future was death, but Jesus came in and brought life - a living hope - into our souls and into our lives.I love singing the truth of 'Living Hope,' and this song has already become an anthem at both of the churches where we lead. I hope anybody who gets to hear it not only sings along, but their hearts' cling to it as well."
Tags : brian johnson bethel worship bethany wohrle Shane and Shane Phil Wickham living hope