
Mark Bishop Devotes New Song to the Special Gift of “Grandkids”

Mark Bishop

In his first new music for Sonlite Records since the release of last year's Home, Southern Gospel master Mark Bishop delivers a charmingly crafted single devoted to the special gift of "Grandkids."  

"Before we had our first grandchild," Bishop remembers, "everyone kept telling me that there was no love like it. I kept hearing that. Finally I asked someone, 'wait... I love my wife and my daughters as much as I could love anyone... so it's like that right?' They said, 'no... it's a whole new love.' I immediately dismissed it, thinking, 'yeah, right.' But it turns out that they were right."

After an opening piano figure that serves to mark each section of the song, Bishop offers his chorus and first verse over little more than finger-picked guitar:

God's had a lot of great ideas, but the one I think I love the most,
Has to be grandkids.
There's another chamber of your heart that opens up,
With a brand new love you didn't know exists.

Chasing butterflies without a hope of catching one.
They don't seem to worry, they're just having fun.
Holding onto little hands, wading in the creek.
Sitting on the front porch swing... falling fast asleep.

With each additional verse and chorus, instrumentation and harmonies grow more prominent, though never so much as to overshadow Bishop's intimate delivery in a memorable tribute to the unique joys of grandparenting. From start to finish, "Grandkids" is a song that's sure to bring a smile to anyone who has - or anticipates having - grandchildren.

"It really is a whole new love," Bishop says. "And that 'new' love... that's what this song is about."

Listen to "Grandkids" HERE


Tags : Mark Bishop “Grandkids” Mark Bishop

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