Terminator Genesis Release Date and Latest News: It’s Genisys not Genesis!

Terminator Genesis Release Date and Latest News: It's Genisys not Genesis!
Looks like it's not Terminator Genesis anymore but Terminator Genisys. The name change was found out when Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a photo of himself seated on the director's seat with a very odd looking title on Instagram along with the caption: "Hasta la vista, baby. I want to thank the cast and crew of @TerminatorGenisys for a fantastic shoot. It was challenging, it was fun, and it was rewarding. From our director to the producers, from the camera team to catering, from visual effects to hair and makeup - we couldn't have done it without you".
If you think it is a fluke, think again as Paramount Pictures confirmed the name change shortly after Schwarzenegger posted the photo on social media. If you also think it's just a name change for something fancier, think again. It would seem that the name change from Terminator Genesis to Terminator Genisys is relevant to the upcoming movie's plot. Hint: It's Skynet.
More surprises as another Terminator Genesis news floating about is that Douglas Smith was placed to play a part, either as the young John Connor or the young Kyle Reese. He's recently appeared in Percy Jackson: Sea of Monster. In addition, Aaron Williamson, a fitness trainer-turned-actor, will be joining the cast as the younger T-800.
Over the past year, hints about the 5th installment of the Terminator franchise has been revealed by Schwarzenegger himself, one of it on playing an aged T-800. A reason behind it was that his character, though a robot, sported human flesh that ages over time. Clever thinking there!
Terminator Genesis (or rather Genisys) will be hitting the big screen on July 2015.
Tags : terminator genesis terminator genesis news terminator genesis spoilers terminator genesis cast Terminator: Genesis Arnold Schwarzenegger terminator franchise science fiction action film emilia clarke Jason Clarke Jai Courtney Dayo Okeniyi Lee Byung-hun Matt Smith J. K. Simmons The Terminator Sarah Connor John Connor Kyle Reese T-1000 Alan Taylor Terminator series fifth installment fifth installment in the Terminator series former Governor of California arnie arnie Schwarzenegger paramount pictures Skydance Productions July 1 2015 Comic-Con in San Diego T-800 terminator terminator genesis terminator genesis 2015 terminator genesis spoiler terminator genesis spoilers terminator genesis cast terminator genesis release terminator genesis release date terminator genesis release 2015 Terminator: Genesis trailer Terminator: Genisys Terminator Genisys trailer Terminator Genisys release Terminator: Genisys release date Terminator Genisys spoilers Terminator: Genisys news Terminator: Genisys cast
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