Show Hope Sponsorship Program Kicks off Mother's Day Campaign 2014
Show Hope is spreading the word about new ways to impact children's lives all over the world. Through their Sponsorship program, every generous gift provides lasting love and life-giving care to waiting children around the world. Show Hope also offers the opportunity to become a LifeHope sponsor for those who are able to make a bigger commitment. A LifeHope sponsor funds an entire adoption grant while also receiving the name and country of the orphan they specifically help each year, along with other benefits.
Margaret Land shares her experience after chosing to become a LifeHope sponsor after she went on a trip to Maria's Big House of Hope. "A few weeks ago, I received a picture of a little boy and his forever family with a note thanking me for helping give them a grant and telling me how excited they are about their son coming home soon," Land shares. "I can honestly say that was the best piece of mail I have ever received. Helping give an orphan a family is such a beautiful, practical way to show Christ's love. It is an awesome experience to partner with Show Hope in any way, but there is something really sweet about helping a certain child become part of a family and being able to pray for them by name. I am so thankful for the privilege to be involved with Show Hope."
To find out how to become a sponsor and to view the various levels of sponsorships, click here.
Help restore the hope of a mom to an orphan! With Mother's Day right around the corner, Show Hope is kicking off a brand new campaign today in honor of mothers everywhere. They invite you to become a Show Hope sponsor with a monthly gift that will help bring waiting children into a forever home. This Mother's Day, you can give your mom a gift that will truly transform a child's life. To find out more, please visit their official site HERE.